Barbers’ Cutter
The current Barbers Cutter was commissioned in 2005, with its first official outing being at Dorney Lake, where she participated in the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in 2006. Since that time The Barbers Cutter has taken part in many events, perhaps most notably as part of the spectacular flotilla that marked the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and also as an escort to the Olympic flame in 2012.
The Cutter has also had the honour of escorting a number of Lord Mayors as they are ceremonially rowed into the City of London on Lord Mayor’s Show Day, a tradition that has happily been resurrected in recent years and now looks set to continue. It has not all been ceremonial duties however for our beloved Cutter. She takes part in a number of races each year, with the most high profile being the annual Great River Race. This is a gruelling twenty two mile, flat out race, on the river Thames. The Cutter and crew have acquitted themselves with greater zest and zeal with each passing year.

Perhaps the pinnacle of the Cutter’s achievements – and certainly that of her crew – was transporting her across Europe in May 2016 on a trailer to take part in the Voga Longa, a 32km non-competitive rowing procession through the canals and lagoons of Venice. She was also used for a Thames meander from Windsor to Richmond in May 2017, which proved to be an excellent experience for all, despite the rigours of the English weather.
In July 2021 the Cutter Crew rowed the River Thames from Lechlade to Richmond in a ‘Meander’. The purpose, other than physical endeavour and good company, was to raise funds for the Barbers' Company General Charities and Teddington RNLI Station.
When not in use, the cutter resides quietly at Richmond. As such, she is very conveniently located for the now well attended Barbers’ picnic each summer and is available for use by schools, Navy cadets and other charities.