Barbers Company Crest
The Barbers' Company

Barbers’ Historical Society

The Barbers’ Historical Society was started in 1987 as the Historical Group, under the chairmanship of Past Master Sir Francis Avery Jones.  The aim of the Group was to expand the knowledge of the history of the Company by involving members in original research thereby encouraging greater use of its ever-expanding library and remains its aim today.  The Group meets 4 times a year and meetings either take the form of a presentation either by a BHS member or visiting speaker and buffet supper in the Hall, or an outside visit.

Upcoming events:

  • Mar 3 2025 6.30pm-9pm. BHS AGM with speakers Curator Emeritus Richard Palmer on ‘Barbers and Surgeons in the Court of Arches’ and Liveryman Gaye Henson on ‘Sir Christopher Wren and Sir Charles Scarburgh’


  • March 27 10.30 am and March 30 11.00am. ‘Death, Debauchery and Doctors in Soho’ BHS walk with Dr Luisa Dillner, a qualified Westminster Guide, former doctor and health editor at the Guardian and English graduate


  • May 19 2025 6.30pm-9pm. BHS meeting with Liveryman Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch on ‘Reframing the history of Sex and Christianity’ and Archivist Ruth de Wynter on 'The Rowney Family'


The Society has 3 main aims:

  • To commission a programme of research and presentations for its quarterly meetings
  • To encourage members of the Company to use the archives and library for research and to assist the Archivist
  • To publish at intervals folios of research and to record public presentations and other work done by members

The current officers of the Society are:

Chairman:        Sara Cooke
Secretary:        Richard Pusey
Treasurer:        Derek Adams