Barbers Company Crest
The Barbers' Company

On this day – 17 June

On this day in 1600 it was recorded in the Court Minutes ‘…that George Langton apprentice to Mr. Ffrederick shall be committed to the compter for his irreverent behaviour towards his master’ Sidney Young’s Annals of the Barber-Surgeons notes that ‘apprentices always seem to have been a fruitful source of trouble both to their Masters […]

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On this Day – 28 May

On this day in 1676 Edward Arris, distinguished surgeon and Master of the Company in 1651, died two years after his wife Mary. Their marriage had lasted 60 years and produced 23 children, only one of whom (Thomas) survived their mother. A 1651 portrait of Arris and Sir Charles Scarborough performing an anatomical dissection remains […]

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