On this day in 1596, Sir Peter Proby was made a Liveryman of the Company.
Proby was admitted to the Freedom in 1579, became an Assistant in 1609 and was Master in 1615. He held a number of City offices - Sheriff of London in 1614, Alderman of the Ward of Queenhithe, and Lord Mayor in 1622. Proby translated to the Grocers’ Company in 1622. It was tradition to translate to one of the Great Twelve before becoming Lord Mayor.
In 1605, Proby gave the Company a “very fayre large and serviceable standinge Cup of silver and double gilte wayghinge xxx ounces & a penny waight with a cover unto it whereupon are his armes placed”. In return, the Company ordered that Proby be exempt and discharged from holding all offices within this Company except the office of Master. Sadly, the cup is no longer in the Company’s collection.
Sidney Young wrote a short biography of Proby in his “Annals” which is available here.
Image: Austin T Young’s illustration of the Proby coat of arms which is printed on page 532 of his father’s “Annals”.
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